I started my job today. It was such a great day. I can't even believe how much I learned. It was very overwhelming, but so much fun.

SO. What's my blog without an embarrassing moment??
Today my boss was taking me around to meet everybody in different departments. We were in this one lady's office who had made peanut butter chocolate chip balls. My boss was raving about them so when they offered them to me I felt like I needed to partake. I didn't want the whole thing because I was meeting people, so the lady(I met about 25 people today so I can't remember her name!) said she would like half of it. So, thinking that it was like a cookie, I tried to break it in half. When I applied the tiniest amount of pressure the cookie crumbled all over the floor. I was mortified. What I love about my company is that everyone's so down to earth and friendly that me crumbling cookie all over the ground was only a big deal to me. I was still embarrassed and hour later.
Here are some pictures of how much fun I'm having!

Labels: http://1.bp.blogspot.com/_WiIi1McUPAY/SZD5kU-12nI/AAAAAAAABfY/9xidRci0rHE/s320/IMG_5711.JPG