Tuesday, April 22, 2008


So here I am in the LRC. It's probably the one of the last times I'm going to be in here. I can't study! I think I finally figured out my problem. As soon as I finish my tests I'm done with school. As much as I want to be done with school it scares me. So maybe subconsciously I think that if I don't take my tests I don't have to leave BYU. While that's partially true, I don't want to stay at BYU because I failed my last semester.

NEWS FLASH: I'm going to be walking the streets of Athens, Greece in 8 days!!!

As for now this is me.

Thursday, April 3, 2008

Torchurous Texting

I've had a lot of conversations lately that have led me to this conclusion: texting sucks. Whoa. That was a relief. Well, I guess I probably should add some clarity to that statement(my dad's always telling me I need more clarity in my life). Texting boys is lame. I don't know how many conversations I've had with girls and boys and they've had one of three senarios which really stink:

1. They're texting someone they REALLY like all the time and then they get all attached and wonder if the person likes them or is just trying to kill time in their ridiculously boring art history class.

2. They get ASKED OUT in a text!?!?!?!?! WHAAA? Since when was it okay to ask someone out in a text. The only thing worse than that is an ask out via the facebook. It pretty much sends the message, "hey I think I want to take you out, but I don't have the cajones to pick up the phone and call you" or "I don't like you enough to pick up the phone and call you."

3. I saved the best for last. It's my favorite. You text someone all the time and then you go out and have a great time and mysteriously the texts stop coming. If anyone wants to torture someone, forget about Chinese torture or the racks. Text them everyday for a month, ask them on a date(via text of course), kiss them, and then don't text them again.

I'm going to venture a little off the subject with this next one. You're talking to your friend of the opposite sex and you say your goodbyes and he says call me. What? call me? I don't know how many times I've been talking to a guy and he says call me. Well, if you really want to do something with me wouldn't you call me? Haven't I touched your elbow, or told you how stinkin funny you are enough times for you to know that I'd love to hang out with you? The only thing worse than call me is "text me"...

Don't get me wrong. I say it stinks but I still do it. It's like an addiction. You can't stop. The first step is realizing that there's a problem.